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Waarom is de Bijbel betrouwbaar?

A Historian Explains the Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus (Dr. Gary Habermas)
Capturing Christianity

A Historian Explains the Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus (Dr. Gary Habermas)

In this interview, historian and philosopher Dr. Gary Habermas explains the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus. We also talk about NDE's (Near Death Experiences) and the Shroud of Turin. "The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus" (affiliate link): "The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ" (affiliate link): "Did the Resurrection Happen?: A Conversation with Gary Habermas and Antony Flew" (affiliate link): ------------------------------------------ GIVING ------------------------------------------ Support me on Patreon: One-time Donations: Thanks to all of my patrons for your continued support! You guys and gals have no idea how much you mean to me. -------------------------------------------- LINKS -------------------------------------------- Website: Free Christian Apologetics Resources: The Ultimate List of Apologetics Terms for Beginners (with explanations): -------------------------------------------- SOCIAL -------------------------------------------- Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: SoundCloud: ------------------------------------------- CONTACT ------------------------------------------- Email: #Evidence #Christianity #Jesus
2. The Reliability of the New Testament (Textual Corruption)

2. The Reliability of the New Testament (Textual Corruption)

Join us at: To help support this ministry click here: Is the New Testament reliable or is it based on dated copies and filled with errors. This video addresses these claims and refutes objections variants affect Christians doctrine. Sources: Dethroning Jesus - Darrell Bock & Dan Wallace Fabricating Jesus - Craig Evans A General Introduction to the Bible - Norman L. Geisler & William E. Nix Trusting the New Testament - JP Holding Misquoting Jesus - Bart Ehrman The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts - Phillip Comfort & David P. Barrett The Text of the New Testament - Bruce Metzger & Bart Ehrman Prescription Against Heresy - Tertullian Bart Ehrman vs. James White Debate: Dan Wallace Lectures: *If you are caught excessively commenting, being disrespectful, insulting, or derailing then your comments will be removed. If you do not like it you can watch this video: "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
3. The Reliability of the New Testament (Oral Tradition)

3. The Reliability of the New Testament (Oral Tradition)

Join us at: To help support this ministry click here: This is a defense of the oral tradition which handed us down the New Testament. This video points out that from scholarship, there is no reason to doubt the reliability of the New Testament. Sources: Dethroning Jesus - Darrell Bock & Dan Wallace Fabricating Jesus - Craig Evans Trusting the New Testament - JP Holding The Text of the New Testament - Bruce Metzger & Bart Ehrman The Book of Memory - Mary Carruthers Orality and Literacy in Hellenistic Greece - Tony Lentz Oral Performance, Popular Tradition, and the Hidden Transcript in Q - Richard Horsley Wax Tablets of the Mind - Jocelyn Small Writing on the Tablet of the Heart - David Carr Gospel Tradition and Its Beginnings - Harold Riesenfed The Westminster Dictionary of New Testament and Early Christian Literature - David E. Aune Contours of Christology in the New Testament - Richard Longenecker A Symphony of New Testament Hymns - Robert J. Karris Methods and Message of Jesus’s Teachings - Robert H. Stein John, Jesus, and History: Aspects of Historicity in the Fourth Gospel - Paul Anderson, Felix Just, Tom Thatcher The New Testament and the People of God - NT Wright Redating Matthew, Mark & Luke - John Wenham A Guide to Historical Method- Robert Jones Shafer Old Norse Epics and Historical Traditions - Marlene Ciklamini *If you are caught excessively commenting, being disrespectful, insulting, or derailing then your comments will be removed. If you do not like it you can watch this video: "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
4. The Reliability of the New Testament (Authorship & Dating)

4. The Reliability of the New Testament (Authorship & Dating)

Join us at: To help support this ministry click here: It is now time to look at the evidence for the authorship of the Gospels and good reasons we can date them within the lifetime of the Apostles. Sources: Fabricating Jesus - Craig Evans Jesus of Nazareth - Maurice Casey The Relationship Among the Gospels - Albert Lord Trusting the New Testament - JP Holding Against Marcion - Tertullian Against Heresies - St. Irenaeus Adumbrationes in Epistolas - Clement of Alexandria The Muratorian Fragment Ecclesiastical History - Eusebius The Earliest Gospel - John S. Kloppenborg The Text of the New Testament - Bruce Metzger & Bart Ehrman The Historical Figure - E.P. Sanders Redating Matthew, Mark, & Luke - John Wenham Jesus and Eyewitness - Richard Bauckmann The Gospels - Gerd Theissen Music Credits: Adventure Western Music - The Wild West Epic and Exciting Music - Treasure Hunter *If you are caught excessively commenting, being disrespectful, insulting, or derailing then your comments will be removed. If you do not like it you can watch this video: "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
5. The Reliability of the New Testament (External Evidence)

5. The Reliability of the New Testament (External Evidence)

Join us at: To help support this ministry click here: There is so much external evidence for the New Testament, it could not all be fit into one video, but we tried to cover as much as we could find. 41 facts from William Paley: Sources: Annals of Tacitus Josephus Antiquities The Historical Jesus - Craig Evans Josephus: The Man and Historian - J. Thackeray The of Face of New Testament Studies: Graham Twelftree’-miracles/ The James Ossuary - Paul L. Maier pagewanted=1 Preliminary Report: External Expert Opinion on three Stone Items - Wolfgang E. Krumbein “Brother of Jesus” Proved Ancient and Authentic“brother-of-jesus” -proved-ancient-and-authentic/ Building Belief - Ben Witherington III Credibility of the Gospel History - Nathaniel Lardner Jesus and the Eye Witnesses - Richard Bauckham A View of the Evidences of Christianity - William Paley *If you are caught excessively commenting, being disrespectful, insulting, or derailing then your comments will be removed. If you do not like it you can watch this video: "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
1. The Reliability of the New Testament (Introduction)

1. The Reliability of the New Testament (Introduction)

Join us at: To help support this ministry click here: Is the New Testament reliable or is it based on dated copies and filled with errors. This video addresses this claims and introduces one to the evidence for the reliability of the New Testament. Sources: Dethroning Jesus - Darrell Bock & Dan Wallace Fabricating Jesus - Craig Evans A General Introduction to the Bible - Norman L. Geisler & William E. Nix Trusting the New Testament - JP Holding Misquoting Jesus - Bart Ehrman The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts - Phillip Comfort & David P. Barrett The Text of the New Testament - Bruce Metzger & Bart Ehrman Prescription Against Heresy - Tertullian Bart Ehrman vs. James White Debate: Dan Wallace Lectures: *If you are caught excessively commenting, being disrespectful, insulting, or derailing then your comments will be removed. If you do not like it you can watch this video: "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
The Belief in Jesus as God before Nicea and the Exalted Christ of Gnosticism P5/8
Alien Resistance

The Belief in Jesus as God before Nicea and the Exalted Christ of Gnosticism P5/8

Ancient of Days - Da Vinci Coda Conference See also for DVDs Or for recent events Mike Heiser has a Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mike has an M.A. in Ancient History and an M.A. in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages. He has taught biblical studies and biblical theology on the undergraduate level for eleven years. He has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal, particularly UFOlogy, and the subject of ET life. Mike has lectured frequently on those topics, specializing in critical evaluation of the belief that UFOs and aliens are found in ancient Near Eastern texts, including the Bible. He is an expert on divine beings and angels in the Hebrew Bible, Second Temple Jewish literature, and Canaanite texts. Mike holds a personal disdain for both intellectual snobbery, and the religious fear of critical thinking (and thinkers) -- both of which he feels tend to form an ungodly barrier between general academia, church leadership, and the public whom they should be serving. In that spirit, Heiser authored The Facade, a mind-blowing novelization of the above subjects, which makes his original perspectives and 20 years of highly credentialed scholarship easily accessible to lay audiences. Theologian Michael S. Heiser, PhD Challenges Claims of The Da Vinci Code Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code has become an international phenomena with 45 million books in print, and is coming to theaters May 19 in the major motion picture starring Tom Hanks. While presented as fiction, the novel makes claims of extensive research that are, at best, challenging to traditional Christian teachings. Among the ideas presented as fact in The Da Vinci Code are that Jesus fathered a child by Mary Magdalene (a bloodline that allegedly continues today), that the early Catholic church concealed this and invented the doctrine of Jesus' divinity, and that the church intentionally rejected any texts that hinted at this history from inclusion in the Bible, in part to suppress the role of women. "The novel relies primarily on the teachings of Gnosticism, an early Christian sect," according to Bellingham-based theologian and Academic Editor for Logos Bible Software Dr. Michael S. Heiser, Ph.D. Heiser holds advanced degrees in Ancient History, Semitic Languages, and Hebrew Bible, and says he is very familiar with the Gnostic texts and the "conspiratorial" version of history The Da Vinci Codeis based upon. He plans to examine, and where appropriate, to rebut, the claims of Brown's novel from both historical and theological perspectives via a one-day conference held at Hampton Inn's Fox Hall in Bellingham, Saturday April 22nd. Heiser will present a series of 45-minute lectures targeted at specific claims of the book. Scheduled sessions include an overview of Gnosticism, an examination of the evidence for Jesus' alleged marriage, a historical view of the idea that Jesus is God prior to Constantine's third-century declaration of such, the Gnostic view of women, and a working overview of how texts appearing in modern Bibles were selected. Dr. Heiser discussed the claims of The Da Vinci Code for three hours in December before a national audience on the popular late-night radio show Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. At the request of an out-of-state sponsor* who heard the program (and is working with Faith Reformed Church in Bellingham, where Mike attends), he agreed to present the one-day conference to record for DVD. Brought to you by
The Gospel of Judas- Michael S. Heiser
The Back Story About How We Really Got Our Bible!
THE BEAT by Allen Parr

The Back Story About How We Really Got Our Bible!

Please watch: "The ONE Thing Every Christian Should Be Doing But Most Are NOT!" --~-- How can we be sure that the 66 books that we call the Bible truly is the word of God? Hey what’s up everyone, so one of the most common questions about the Bible is how did we get the Bible we have today? Why 66 books and were there any that were somehow lost or left out? So I hope to answer these questions in this video. KEY #1 – The church DISCOVERED not DETERMINED which books were inspired. The church leaders merely recognized through a process which ones were already inspired and which ones were not. Now the question becomes, what was this process that they used to discover which books were inspired and which ones were not. 1. What did Jesus say about this book? a. By the time Jesus was born the Jewish community had already accepted 39 books as being inspired by God. i. Jesus affirmed it ii. Jesus quoted from it iii. Jesus referenced people from it iv. Jesus taught from it 2. Was it written by an accepted prophet, apostle or someone closely connected to an apostle? a. Why was this important? Because prophets and apostles were accredited with miraculous signs, wonders and miracles. So, if they were endowed with the power of God that made their writings credible. b. Jesus had predicted in John 17:20 that people would believe THROUGH THEIR MESSAGE! c. Always many of them were eyewitnesses to what they were writing about (scripture) 3. Does this book tell the truth about God and is it consistent with the other teachings that we KNOW are inspired? a. During the first few centuries there were lots of writings and not all of them were inspired by God. b. An example of such a book that was the Gospel of Thomas where it says, “Simon Peter said to them: ‘Let Mary go away from us, for women are not worthy of life.’ Jesus said: ‘Lo, I shall lead her, so that I may make her a male, that she too may become a living spirit, resembling you males. For every woman who makes herself a male will enter the kingdom of heaven.” c. So clearly this book did not tell the truth about Jesus and is inconsistent with other scriptures and so they threw this one out and discovered this book was not inspired by God. 4. Was the book accepted by the early church as being authoritative? Was it used in the church? Did church leaders preach from this book? 5. Does this book carry with it the power of God? In other words, they asked, “when we read this book do we get a sense that it was written by God with the ability to transform lives? Finally, just like it takes faith to trust in a God you’ve never physically seen, it takes faith to trust that if God was powerful enough to write His word through flawed and fallible men, He is also strong enough to preserve it and oversee and govern the process by which His word came together. And we trust that God would not have us to live and govern our lives by something that did not correctly reflect who He is. Visit my website at Connect with me on facebook at Follow me on twitter at Subscribe today at BOOK ME TO SPEAK IN YOUR AREA HERE: TO DONATE TO THIS MINISTRY CLICK HERE:

Onderzoek de betrouwbaarheid van de bijbel als rechercheur van een Cold Case Team.

Is Jezus Christus echt wie hij claimt te zijn?

"Onderzoek alles, behoud het goede en vermijd elk kwaad, in welke vorm het zich ook voordoet." 1 Tessalonicenzen 5:21

De bekende Amerikaanse Cold Case rechercheur J. Warner Wallace heeft de Cold Case, de moordzaak van Jezus Christus grondig onderzocht. Onderstaand zit u zijn bevindingen.

Het Nieuwe Testament

De argumenten voor de betrouwbaarheid van de nieuwtestamentische ooggetuigenverslagen zijn afhankelijk van de betrouwbaarheid van de auteurs. Ooggetuigen worden meestal geëvalueerd in strafrechtelijke onderzoeken door vier kritische vragen te stellen: waren de getuigen echt aanwezig op het moment van het misdrijf? Kunnen de getuigen van de getuigen op de een of andere manier worden bevestigd? Hebben de getuigen hun verhaal in de loop van de tijd veranderd? Hebben de getuigen vooroordelen waardoor ze liegen, overdrijven of verkeerd interpreteren wat er werd gezien? We kunnen de evangeliën en hun auteurs onderzoeken door soortgelijke vragen te stellen. Is de Bijbel waar? Het cumulatieve bewijs voor de betrouwbaarheid van de evangeliën bevestigt hun betrouwbaarheid:

(1) De evangeliën waren vroeg geschreven
Het is veel moeilijker om een ​​uitgebreide leugen te vertellen in dezelfde generatie als degenen die getuige waren van de waarheid. De evangeliën zijn vroeg genoeg geschreven om gecontroleerd te zijn door degenen die nog in leven waren en beter zouden hebben geweten:

(a) De ontbrekende informatie in het boek Handelingen (d.w.z. de vernietiging van de tempel, de belegering van Jeruzalem, de dood van Petrus, Paulus en Jakobus) kan het best worden verklaard door Handelingen vóór 61AD te dateren

(b) Lucas schreef zijn evangelie voorafgaand aan het boek Handelingen

(c) Paulus 'verwijzing naar Lucas 10: 6-7 (1 Timotheüs 5: 17-18, geschreven in 63-64AD) en Lucas 22: 19-20 (1 Korintiërs 11: 23-26, geschreven in 53-57AD) is het best uitgelegd door het Evangelie van Lucas te dateren vóór 53-57AD

(d) Lucas zijn verwijzing naar zijn evangelie als "ordelijk" in Lucas 1: 3 (in vergelijking met de 1ste eeuwse beschrijving van Marcus van Marcus's getuigenis als "niet, inderdaad in volgorde") en Lucas zijn herhaalde verwijzingen naar Marcus 'evangeliën zijn het best te verklaren door het Marcus-evangelie te dateren vóór Lucas van 45-50 n.Chr

(2) De evangeliën zijn bevestigd
De evangelieverslagen van de eerste eeuw worden beter bevestigd dan welke andere historische geschiedenis dan ook:

(a) Archeologie bevestigt veel mensen, locaties en gebeurtenissen beschreven in de evangeliën

(b) Oude Joodse, Griekse en heidense verslagen bevestigen de contouren van Jezus 'identiteit, leven, dood en opstanding

(c) De auteurs van het evangelie identificeren op een correcte manier kleine, lokale geografische kenmerken en steden in de regio waar de gebeurtenissen plaats vonden in die tijd.

(d) De auteurs van het evangelie citeren op een correcte manier de woorden die in die tijd en regio werden gebruikt

(e) Marcus zijn herhaalde referentie en bekendheid met Petrus bevestigt de correctheid van de beschrijving van Papias in het evangelie volgens Marcus

(f) De auteurs van de evangeliën ondersteunen elkaar onopzettelijk met verschillende details die ze noemen in de getuigenissen. De verdieping in verschillende details per Evangelie maken de getuigenissen nog sterker omdat geen enkele ooggetuige op exact dezelfde manier een situatie beleeft als een ander. Bekijk bovenstaande video: "The Unintentional Eyewitness Support of the Gospels"

(3) De evangeliën zijn nauwkeurig afgeleverd
De evangeliën werden gekoesterd en als de Schrift behandeld vanaf de vroegste tijden. We kunnen hun inhoud en nauwkeurige verzending testen:

(a) Een nieuwtestamentische "Chain of Custody" kan worden gereconstrueerd door de auteurs van het evangelie (via hun volgende studenten) om de oorspronkelijke inhoud van de documenten te bevestigen

(b) Veel van de evangeliën (en alle kritische kenmerken van Jezus) kunnen worden bevestigd in de geschriften van de kerkvaders

(c) Het enorme aantal oude kopieën van de evangeliën kan met elkaar worden vergeleken om late toevoegingen en kopievarianten binnen de tekst te identificeren en te elimineren

(d) De vroegste verzorgers van de tekst beschouwden het als een nauwkeurig, goddelijk geïnspireerd document dat zorgvuldige bewaring waard was

(4) De evangelieschrijvers waren niet voorbeschreven
De auteurs van de evangeliën beweerden ooggetuigen te zijn die waren getransformeerd door wat ze in Jezus van Nazareth hadden waargenomen:

(a) De auteurs waren overtuigd op basis van observatie achteraf, in plaats van vooringenomen vooraf

(b) De drie motieven die vooroordelen veroorzaakten, waren afwezig in de levens van de auteurs. Ze werden niet gedreven door financieel gewin, seksuele (of relationele) lust of het streven naar macht. Ze stierven zonder een van deze voordelen

(c) De getuigenis van de auteurs werd bevestigd door hun bereidheid om te sterven voor wat ze beweerden. Er is geen bewijs dat een van hen ooit hun getuigenis heeft herroepen
De auteurs van het evangelie waren aanwezig tijdens het leven van Jezus en schreven hun verhalen vroeg genoeg om te worden gecontroleerd door degenen die Jezus kenden.

De auteurs van het evangelie waren aanwezig tijdens het leven van Jezus en schreven hun verhalen vroeg genoeg om te worden gecontroleerd door degenen die Jezus kenden. Hun getuigenissen kunnen voldoende worden bevestigd en zijn door de eeuwen heen nauwkeurig aan ons geleverd. De auteurs misten motief om tegen ons te liegen over hun observaties en stierven in plaats van hun getuigenis te herroepen. Is de Bijbel waar? De argumenten voor de betrouwbaarheid van de evangeliën zijn sterk en inhoudelijk. We hebben goede redenen om te vertrouwen op wat de ooggetuigen ons vertelden over Jezus van Nazareth.

Voor een duidelijker en gedetaileerder beeld van deze zaak kunt u bovenstaande video's bekijken.


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